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Can I Extend My Lease?

1 min read

While our team always welcomes a conversation around custom terms and nuanced situation, it is important we maintain a level of consistency to ensure we are not making exceptions that could ultimately lead to vacancy.


We intentionally commence our renewal engagement process early so that we have the opportunity to have conversations with tenants, understand their situation, and plan for a new tenant, if necessary.


That said, we do not allow extensions of a few days or a few weeks.  Every lease must terminate at the end of a month and more specifically April, May, June, July or August.  


Ending a lease in the middle of a month or in an “off” leasing season, creates many challenges for our team and we must avoid courtesy extensions that put us at risk.


Again, our team values you as a resident and we welcome these conversations.  We are willing to make exceptions so long that the agreement is mutually beneficial.


If you have questions about a custom extension or a nuanced situation related to your renewal offer, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Leasing Department.


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