How Do I Set Up My Utilities?

It is important you start planning your utility set-up at least a week in advance to avoid any disruption in service.


Below, we’ve outlined a few helpful tips for each of the utilities you should have top of mind…



Provider:  PECO

Website: Visit the Start, Stop, Move page here 

What to do:  Contact your service provider as soon as possible.  They will be able to tell you if there is a “stop service” order on file and when the service will revert back to the Landlord.  Once this date has been established by the outgoing resident, you will be able to set a “start service date for your move-in.


Cable / Internet

Provider:  Comcast or Verizon

Website: Comcast Website | Verizon Website 

What to do:  Your building is both Comcast and Verizon “ready”.  It is your responsibility to set up service in advance of you move and we encourage you to plan for this well in advance as there can sometimes be delays with each provider.  Outside of in-unit equipment installs, there should be no need for a technician to access any area of the building mechanicals etc.



Provider:  N/A

Website: N/A

What to do:  No action required.  None of the buildings we currently manage have gas service to the property.  You will not have a gas utility bill.



Provider:  Philadelphia Water Department (PWD)

Website: N/A

What to do:  No action required.  Per your lease agreement, you are billed a flat water rate for convenience.  The Landlord will bear the full cost of your water usage and the flat fee is in place to recoup those costs.  The fee was determined based on a 24-month rolling average of previous tenant’s water usage.


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